Gluten Free Registry is the leading curated database of 40,000+ gluten-free friendly restaurants, pizza joints, bakeries, coffee houses, grocers, caterers and more. Our database includes business locations in North America and other parts of the world, and we receive new business submissions every day. Now this information about gluten-free friendly businesses is available on your Android device!Some of the features in our app include: * Powered by our extensive curated database of gluten-free friendly businesses, NOT a web search * Database includes not only restaurants, but also bakeries, coffee houses, resorts, grocers, caterers and more* View businesses on a map or listed by proximity* Easily search different locations * You can browse by business type and/or business name* You can even browse for gluten free pizza! * You can exclude chains* You can suggest a business* Read reviews and ratings by the gluten-free community * View gluten-free restaurant menus (available for over 12,300+ locations!) * Call the business on your phone * View their website
Legend: B = Bakery C = Caterer/Chef D = Dessert G = Grocer H = Hospital J = Coffee/Java R = Restaurant P = For your petV = Vacation/Resort